
Prioritising your happiness and wellbeing

Jothi Clara Michael First published: Last updated:

Providing care for patients can be overwhelming, particularly as nurses often have to cope with ethical dilemmas, heavy workloads, limited staffing and long working hours, among other challenges.

It is important for nurses to occasionally take a step back and prioritise their personal happiness and wellbeing. Happiness encompasses a range of positive emotions, and can describe a state of appreciating one’s life and the positive elements within it. By taking small steps and focusing on personal wellbeing, people can act as catalysts for their own happiness.

Nurses assume multiple roles in both their personal and professional lives. Nurses act as caregivers to patients while also fulfilling responsibilities in their personal relationships. Striking a balance between these roles, both at work and at home, can often be challenging.

The following tips can help nurses to prioritise their wellbeing and feel happier in their personal and professional lives:

Reflect on what brings you joy

Take time to identify the activities, experiences and relationships that genuinely make you happy. Reflect on moments when you feel most fulfilled and content, and try to include more of these in your life.

Prioritise self-care

Make self-care a priority in your life. Engage in activities that nourish your mind, body and soul. This could include exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, pursuing hobbies or practicing relaxation techniques.

Cultivate gratitude

Foster a grateful attitude by appreciating the positive aspects of your life. Focus on what you have rather than what you lack. Regularly express gratitude for the small blessings and meaningful connections in your life.

Set meaningful goals

Define personal goals that align with your values and aspirations. Work towards these goals with determination and purpose. Progressing towards and achieving meaningful objectives can contribute to your overall happiness and satisfaction.

Nurture relationships

Cultivate supportive and fulfilling relationships with family, friends and loved ones. Invest time and effort into maintaining these connections, as meaningful relationships can significantly contribute to your happiness and wellbeing.

Practice mindfulness

Engage in mindfulness practices to stay present and fully experience each moment. Mindfulness can help you appreciate the beauty of the present and reduce stress or anxiety relating to the past or future.

Embrace positivity

Surround yourself with positive influences, whether through uplifting books, inspiring podcasts or spending time with optimistic and supportive individuals. Find sources of positivity that uplift and motivate you.

Help others

Engaging in acts of kindness and helping others can bring a sense of fulfilment and happiness. Look for opportunities to contribute to your community or support those in need.

Working towards improving happiness and nurturing wellbeing is a personal journey, which may evolve over time. Be patient with yourself and open to exploring new experiences and perspectives that align with your values and bring you joy.

Nurses, particularly those who have recently joined the profession, may find it difficult to openly express any problems or concerns, which may make them more susceptible to experiencing stress. It is crucial to foster a workplace environment that values and appreciates all employees, including newly practising nurses. Simple acts of kindness can go a long way in uplifting spirits. Nurse leaders should support and assist fellow nurses to not only strengthen the team but also improve general wellbeing.

When nurses uplift and support each other, they create a ripple effect of positive experiences among their peers and colleagues. Every nurse has the power to foster a positive work environment, encouraging wellbeing among colleagues, patients and within themselves.

Jothi Clara Michael