
Prioritising your happiness and wellbeing

Jothi Clara Michael First published: Last updated:

Providing care for patients can be overwhelming, particularly as nurses often have to cope with ethical dilemmas, heavy workloads, limited staffing and long working hours, among other challenges.

It is important for nurses to occasionally take a step back and prioritise their personal happiness and wellbeing. Happiness encompasses a range of positive emotions, and can describe a state of appreciating one’s life and the positive elements within it. By taking small steps and focusing on personal wellbeing, people can act as catalysts for their own happiness.

Nurses assume multiple roles in both their personal and professional lives. Nurses act as caregivers to patients while also fulfilling responsibilities in their personal relationships. Striking a balance between these roles, both at work and at home, can often be challenging.

The following tips can help nurses to prioritise their wellbeing and feel happier in their personal and professional lives:

Reflect on what

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Jothi Clara Michael