Strategies for managing work-related stress

With several survey findings revealing that 66% of those working in the UK health-care sector are suffering from significant levels of work-related stress, it is important for health professionals to start prioritising their wellbeing.
With the most recent causes of stress for nurses cited as emotional and physical demands, management issues, lack of resources, and difficulty balancing home and work responsibilities (American Holistic Nurses Association, 2018), it is often hard for individuals to manage their levels of stress. However, managing workplace stress is likely to have a positive impact on productivity, absenteeism, presenteeism, meeting targets, and health and safety, as well as budget (ERS Research and Consultancy 2016).
Below are five stress-busting strategies for nurses to adopt when they are feeling overwhelmed with pressures in the workplace.
1. Learn to say no
Nurses cannot do everything! Saying yes all of the time can leave people feeling tired, stressed and overstretched,
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