Resilience is defined as the person’s ability to overcome and cope effectively with negative situations such as loss, hardship or adversity.
Despite the losses experienced by nurses in their role in palliative care, they wish to continue working in this environment. This is described as resilience, which enhances coping in dealing with death and grief.
To explore the nature of nurses’ resilience and the way it is developed.
A qualitative research design using grounded theory methods was employed. With theoretical sampling, 18 interviews were conducted and theoretical saturation was achieved.
Self-nurturing was evident as the way nurses developed resilience, which included knowledge of self, coping adaptively, valuing care and accepting limitations.
All participants spoke of the characteristics of resilience from the blend of individual responsibility for self and the support provided by others. However, none had educational
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Jasmine Walter
Jasmine Walter is a Content Editor at Mark Allen Group, working across a range of healthcare journals. She worked at an open access scientific publishing company for three years before joining MAG. She now writes and edits content for BJN Inform.