Protected characteristic: gender reassignment

This protected characteristic applies to a person who undergoes, or proposes to undergo, a process to reassign their gender.
To be protected from gender reassignment-based discrimination, the person does not need to have undergone any medical treatment or surgery to change from their gender assigned at birth to their preferred gender. The person can be at any stage in their transition process, from proposing to reassign their gender, undergoing a process of reassignment or having completed it (Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2023).
People undergoing gender reassignment can face social stigma and prejudice. This can manifest in a variety of forms, including negative stereotypes, exclusion or verbal abuse. Discrimination in the workplace may include unfair treatment, denial of promotions or harassment based on gender identity. Understanding and respecting gender reassignment is crucial for fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace.
A nurse who is facing discrimination related to gender reassignment in
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