The Power of Character Strengths

The Positive Psychology Wellbeing Toolkit for Nurses Series - The Power of Character Strengths
This is the second article of The Positive Psychology Wellbeing Toolkit for Nurses Series
Key points
- Character strengths are the building blocks of a flourishing life and the pathway to well-being
- When strengths are utilised there is a real sense of satisfaction and fulfilment
- There is positive evidence between connection of strengths usage in the work place
This second article outlines a range of character strength based interventions that recognises the importance of maintaining staff wellbeing.
When one’s own strengths are used correctly then ‘flow’ exists and there is a real sense of satisfaction and fulfilment. The art to finding this ‘sweet spot’ is by using strengths more consistently and adapting them accordingly through positive psychology interventions (Macfarlane,2019). Being asked to name one’s own strengths can be challenging as most find it easier to remember their
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